Give Thanks

My American friends celebrate Thanksgiving today, and I love that word. We don’t have a specific day for that purpose here in Denmark, but giving thanks is something we should all do every day.

Finding something to be grateful for and give thanks for puts you in a positive mood. Establishing a gratitude routine is an important technique that fights anxiety and stress. If you write a daily journal, put in something you are grateful for each day. If you have a bit of time to yourself in your morning routine, just sit quietly for a moment and think of something you are grateful for in that moment.

If you have difficulty finding a time to express your gratitude, do it before a meal. Saying grace before a meal is an ancient human tradition that cuts across cultures and religions. The reason people have always done it is that it works. It only takes a few seconds to close your eyes and say to yourself that you are grateful for this meal. Happy Thanksgiving.